SHOTOVER G1 Features:
Gyro-stabilized gimbal system
Wireless video downlink
SHOTOVER FI+Z with lens motors
Components to install camera and lens combinations per matrix
Remote camera control (RED, Arri, Sony, Canon, Phantom)
Available as turn-key sUAS or as standalone gimbal
Compact size and weight allows affordable transport as freight or excess baggage
No ITAR restrictions or EAR licensing requirements
SHOTOVER Free-Runner adaptor head. Quickly change between handheld, sUAS, mitchell mount, and bowl mount
Easily integrated into film industry mounting platforms
Advanced payload balancing system
360 degree continuous pan, tilt, and roll
Delivers unshakable stability and ultimate functionality
Customizable graphic overlay for real-time operator feedback
Auto or steerable horizon with the most advanced steering capabilities on the market
HD video encoding & decoding for two video streams (HDMI or SDI)
Wired or wireless control
Open platform design allows for the integration of new cameras and lenses as they come to market