Episode 3

Welcome to the third edition of our HFS Group newsletter: The Aerialist!
Luckily, we are still able to fly, and are enforcing new practices that allow us to fly safely with small crew numbers and remote viewing capabilities.
Hoping you’re all safe in your homes, staying sane and keeping healthy. Today, we heard that the furlough scheme has been extended. More excitingly, Screen International reports that productions may be able to re-commence.
Meanwhile, we are pleased to share some highlights from our lockdown:
Our latest media coverage: Definition Magazine’s new ‘pandemic publication’ - DEFIANT
COVID-19: When the lockdown lifts, cameras & kit may become limited. BUT rest assured, HFS will still be able to deliver the brief
Latest intel from online updates + industry bodies
Less flying, will ZOOM!
Follow Jim Swanson (Aerial DOP / Operator) through the skies, as we focus on his role within the HFS team

Welcome to 'The Aerialist’: News from the Wheels, Wings & Rotors team at HFS Group.
‘DEFIANT’ - How is COVID-19 Affecting our Industry?
Watch the Jeremy Braben interview here. This proved to be a highly popular episode of ‘DEFIANT’ - with Zoom-filmed content for production during lockdown.

If Cameras and Kit Become Limited, Rest Assured: HFS Can Still Deliver!
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we learn that some camera suppliers may be limiting their rental stocks to production houses. HFS has a store of equipment, and we are happy to continue filming, when restrictions are lifted. It might be worth remembering we have the following kit:
Cameras: ARRI Alexa LF mini & ARRI Alexa Mini
Camera Arrays: 3 Camera Array (Cerberus) & 6 Camera Array (HFS Typhon)
Drones: HFS TITAN Ultra-heavy drone, Shotover U1 heavy drone & IA Aerigon heavy drone
Tracking Vehicles: Mitsubishi Evo & AM Cygnet
Gimbals: Shotover F1, Shotover K1 & G1 as well as the Mövi Pro & Mövi XL
PL Lenses: Fujinon 28-100 Premista T2.9, Angenieux 25-250 T2.8 Optimo, 25-250 T3.5 HR & 16-40 T2.6 Optimo as well as Zeiss CP.3 Primes T2.1-2.9 Set, ARRI WRCU4 FIZ, RT Motion Mk3 FIZ & Teradek Bolt 3000

Heard on the Airwaves: Learnings from News and Industry Bodies
Our team may have been self-isolating, but our ears remain ‘pressed to the ground’ for relevant intel via BSC Webinars (for members and Patrons of the British Society Of Cinematographers) and via other industry updates. Right now here’s a precis of what’s on our RADAR:
The general industry consensus seems is that we’re in this period of hiatus until probably August 2020
Productions will be subject to new working practices and insurance requirements
In an ideal world, the period of ‘lockdown and distancing’ (23rd March to 23rd Aug, roughly) should effectively be the time delay (5 months) for new productions that have yet to start in order to allow for sufficient studio, artist and crew members to finish current productions, and avoid a logjam
Hire companies may have to limit the number of cameras a production has, in order to supply everyone, but we have close relationships with all the rental companies, ensuring we should be able to cover all productions when the lockdown lifts
News of leaked BFC documents dated 5th May detailing plans for Production Codes of Practice. More detail in Deadline's article here
What should have been a record 2020 for production will hopefully shift into a 20/21 record - all going well!

Less Flying, Will ZOOM!
You can’t get a good aerials team down! When we aren't flying, we gather through the airwaves to share industry news, gossip, and a laugh via Zoom. Top Tip: If you don’t have a pet to show off on-screen, a cocktail to share, or a belly-laugh joke, there’s no excuse: personalise your Zoom background!

HFS follows Jim Swanson, Aerial DoP, through the skies!
One of our brilliant Aerial Cinematographers, Jim Swanson, has been involved in Aerial Filming since the late 1980s, and has been operating with us since 2001. He is also a super experienced technician and operator, and also works as Camera Operator on many tracking vehicles. If it moves, Jim can film it! His recent productions with HFS include: Wonder Woman 1984, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald and Paddington 2.

We hope you have enjoyed the latest episode of 'The Aerialist'!
Feel free to get in touch with any questions.
Stay safe and stay well.
All the best,
Jeremy Braben & The Team at HFS, WFH